Tuesday, April 7, 2009

IIS debugging

Been working lately on getting a new IIS web application into production. We've been continuing to run into some more issues with anonymous/integrated windows authentication as the build is progressing through different environments. However, I found this cool tool yesterday that has some neat utilities for working/debugging IIS. It's called the Internet Information Services (IIS) Resource Kit Tools and you can download it here. Some of the cool utilities in that package are:
  • WFetch - allows you to fully customize an HTTP request and send it to a Web server so that you can see the raw HTTP request and response data. Sort of like Ethereal for IIS.
  • SelfSSL - allow you to create and sign you own ssl certificates for testing with ssl in dev environments
  • A Metabase Explorer - allows you to view all the configuration properties IIS and it's web sites, app pools, virtual directories, and more
  • And an Apache to IIS migration tool which would apparently allow me to migrate an apache web server (and it's configs) to an IIS6.0 server.

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